Friday, February 8, 2008

I have arrived!

I have arrived! To the wide world of blogging! I've been wondering what all the rage is. Not to say that i've not gone blog surfing myself, I sure have~! And I've had oodles of fun doing it. I've learned so much and created so much.
I think, mostly, I saw so many having fun with it and wanted to hop on the bandwagon. And, I, gratuitously, wanted to share some of *my* own fun creations. I'm making a Valentine's day dress for my lil lady and it's coming out smashingly! I should give myself a tiny shred of credit.. maybe I'm becoming enough of a sew-er to accomplish 'easy' patterns with a minimal amount of swearing!
Well, welcome aboard to me and happy blogging!

1 comment:

Kris! said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!!! The pics are beautiful and your writing style is so much fun. You're off to a great start.