I've come to realize that right now, at this very moment, I am a very fortunate woman.
In this light, I'm speaking of friends. I have wonderful friends that I don't get to talk to near enough. Friends that I see on occasion. Friends that I speak to many times a day. All of these friends work their magic for me to be a happier, sane-r( I know that's not a word), more productive person.
Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. --Aristotle
I've found this out more with time. Looking back, I can see how this worked for me in my past friendships, I just didn't see it then. Some of my favorite friends are the ones where you may not speak to them for months, or even years, yet when you reconnect again, it's like opening a book, back to the same page you left off on. Ever had that feeling? It's delicious. Validating. Encouraging.
To all my friends, far and wide, internet and real time, close and acquaintences-
Thank you for being a part of my life. Every touch that you have made has only enhanced who I am as woman, mother, sister, daughter, wife, ...